

Welcome to The Olivia Tremblay Collection—where stress-free creativity meets joy.


Hi There! My name is Gerry Cooke and I am the owner of Cooke Publishing. I am a best-selling author and the creator of Terminal Madness- a patented 3 in 1 handheld game for both one and two players (part of a group of products known to improve memory, imagination, ingenuity, determination, and coordination).

With a lifelong passion for helping others, I have focused my professional life on making the world a better place for everyone—and this has become the heart of Cooke Publishing,

From early childhood I dreamed of ways to make the world better; to leave a mark imbued with positivity and joy. As such, I took jobs in probation services, sales, banking, customer service, management, and another business in order to work on both large and micro efforts.

When I’m not brainstorming ideas, I enjoy watching the news, sitcoms, going for long drives, sitting by the water to watch waves lapping the shoreline, and dreaming of how to continue making conscious choices that better the world.

Those drawn to our books come in all ages. That is the beauty of color therapy, there are no restrictions on age, skill, or experience. We invite all current or soon-to-be coloring enthusiasts to allow their inner artists to shine through, no matter what that may look like.

Join us in getting lost within the relaxing, meditative nature of coloring.

Our color therapy books are currently or will soon be available through [Amazon], [Barnes & Noble], [Lulu], [smashwords], [Chapters], [Indigo], and [FILL IN REMAINING LINKS].

Follow us social media [LINK], [LINK], [LINK].

The Olivia Tremblay Collection is an exclusive brand brought to you by Cooke Publishing out of Beaver Harbour, New Brunswick. A portion of all profits will go to the Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children and their transportation fund. This organization was chosen because of the vast amount of proven work they do for people all over the world, including myself (the founder of Cooke Publishing), throughout my younger years. So let’s join forces! Through the Olivia Tremblay Collection may we all take a collective breath out, temporarily forget the day-to-day hustle, and simply color away.